jeudi 22 novembre 2007

Convert an image to high quality PDF, Redux

In a previous post I explained how to Convert an image to PDF with Gimp, but the quality of the picture in the PDF turned out to be rather poor for printing purpose.

So here is an other way, install tiff2pdf.
On Ubuntu for instance :
  1. sudo apt-get install libtiff-tools  
Then save your image as a tiff image, then use tiff2pdf to convert it to a PDF. For example, for an A4 sized PDF :
  1. tiff2pdf -p A4  -o foo.pdf foo.tiff  

For a multiple pages PDF, preprocess your TIFF files with tiffcp
  1. tiffcp foo1.tiff foo2.tiff foo3.tiff totalfoo.tiff  

4 commentaires:

Volo a dit…

Thanks a bunch. I do work with my clients and need to return signed NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements). So, I import the PDF, a page at a time, into Gimp, draw a signature on another screen really big, shrink the signature screen, set the threshold to 60% on the "select by color" tool in Gimp, select the signature, then paste it into the NDA page. Then, I save the NDA pages as separate TIFF images. Once that's done, I used your suggestion on the multiple tiff to single tiff conversion, and then again ran it through tiff2pdf to do the conversion into a single PDF that my client can print out.

Thanks a bunch for this!

Mathias Panzenböck (panzi) a dit…

ImageMagick can do that too:

convert image.jpg image.pdf

Or the reverse:
convert image.pdf image.jpg

However, this outputs a a4 page no matter what format your picture has. I guess there are some command line flags to change this behaviour?

Stephane a dit…

I didn't know that ImageMagick could do PDF too. Thanks, I'll try that.

Javier Morales a dit…

Thank you! It was quite useful... but in the end I ended up using the Print command of GIMP... I hope it is not much lower quality, I shall see once I print it.