mercredi 13 mai 2009

OPML import for Rhythmbox, kind of

Update : it seems that Rhythmbox now has support for OPML import, you may type the path to the OPML import in the new feed dialog box. I didn't try it, though

I've just installed the brand new Ubuntu 9.04 to replace my good old 6.06, and now I must find a way to import all my podcast feeds exported in opml format from Juice, to Rhythmbox, the official Ubuntu music manager.

However, it seems that Rhythmbox does not manage opml imports. I don't feel like copying manually 70 rss feeds...

An opportunity to learn the XML library of Groovy !

Save this groovy script as opml2rhythmbox.groovy

Then if it is not already done, install Groovy

Execute the script on your exported opml file

Now, you must manually copy the content of the generated generated.xml file, into the ~/local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml db file of Rhythmbox (make a backup of the rhythmdb.xml file before !)

The generated file content must be inserted after the rhythmdb opening tag at the begining of the rhythmdb.xml file

Then start Rhythmbox and run "Update all Feeds"

You're done !

2 commentaires:

Dom a dit…

There is an easier way, as you suggested: Just drag-and-drop your ompl file into the feedlist-box in rythmbox and all feeds will be subscribed automatically.

Unknown a dit…

Unfortunately, for v2.99.1 at least, the drag and drop makes rhythmbox crash.